We Research

Kuvassa läppäri ja sen vieressä NextMind-laite.

We research: Exploring the Potential of NextMind – A Research on the Efficacy of Brain-Computer Interface Technology

NextMind is a cutting-edge startup that is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. Using a non-invasive headset, NextMind allows users to control devices and interfaces with their thoughts through the eye movement.

We research: Exploring the Potential of NextMind – A Research on the Efficacy of Brain-Computer Interface Technology Read More »

Kuvassa iso silmä, kuvituskuva.

We Research: A sensory accessibility app

The DigiNepsy project of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences has been working on a web application that helps to map a sensory accessibility of spaces. The idea is that the sensory load of spaces is measured together with a sensory sensitive person. The easy-to-use application will guide its users to pay attention to the main sources of sensory load and, based on the answers, will summarise the most significant sources of sensory load of the space.

We Research: A sensory accessibility app Read More »

Doctor is holding a stethoscope.

We research: Cross-sectional study of the health status of people aged 75 in the region of Satakunta

The goal of the research project, launched in 2019, is to study the current health status of residents of Satakunta living at home or in home care and to identify latent public diseases as early as possible. The research utilizes e.g. health data stored in the data pool.

We research: Cross-sectional study of the health status of people aged 75 in the region of Satakunta Read More »

A man wearing exoskeleton, surrounded by people.

We research: Robot-assisted gait rehabilitation

SAMK has been researching robot-assisted walking rehabilitation using a lower limb exoskeleton with the region's work-life partners since 2019. Of particular interest are the effectiveness of exoskeleton training in different patient groups, and the development of technology for measuring the effects of gait rehabilitation together with the University of Tampere.

We research: Robot-assisted gait rehabilitation Read More »

Batteries on a production line.

We research: Artificial intelligence and recycling batteries

Consumers are used to take their used batteries and piles to over 10 000 recycling points in different shops and supermarkets around the country. The aim is to recycle 45 per cent of batteries and piles, and during the last few years, this objective has been reached. In the recycling process ferromagnetic materials and zinc are separated from batteries and piles. These metals are reused in building, automotive and pharmaceutical industry.

We research: Artificial intelligence and recycling batteries Read More »