RoboAI Intelligent Systems

RoboAI Intelligent Systems focuses on the interoperability of information systems, data collection and management, and data exploitation and optimization.

Intelligent systems and meaningful analysis of data can improve and streamline business processes and provide evidence-based support for business decision-making. 

The SEIntS (Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems) and DAO (Data Analytics and Optimization) research groups at the University of Tampere, Pori, have a wide range of skills and expertise in information systems integration, embedded systems, and various areas of data analytics. They have decades of experience in applying systems integration and data analytics for both scientific and industrial needs.

The SEIntS group has specific experience in the following application areas:

  • Software production and software engineering methodologies
  • Open systems architectures (software and application architectures) and interoperability of information systems
  • Software interface solutions (APIs)
  • Mobile and web programming (languages and platforms)
  • Mobile and web technologies (web services) and user interface technologies
  • Mobile and web applications (PoC prototype development)
  • Embedded systems, sensor technologies and IoT (PoC prototyping)

The DAO team has specific experience in the following application areas:

  • Augmented Reality Development (WebAR)
  • Environmental and biospheric modeling
  • Analysis and interpretation of remote sensing data
  • Agricultural data analytics
  • Health data analytics and physiological signal processing
  • Image analysis and machine vision applications
  • Industrial data analytics
  • ROS environment for mobile robots

The research carried out by these teams is highly applied in nature and based on close collaboration with the end users of the research results. The research teams carry out their mission through research and development projects, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and scientific publishing.

Green code on a black background.
Closeup of Tarmo Lipping and Jari Soini.

Head of the DAO research group, Professor
Tarmo Lipping
tel. 040 826 2860

Head of SEINTS, Research Manager
Jari Soini
tel. 040 826 2890

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