SAMK engineering students can apply to study at the RoboAI Academy. The RoboAI Academy offers new ways of learning for students interested in hands-on work, while providing opportunities for companies to implement technology projects together with students. The aim is to find new perspectives and transfer new technological know-how to companies in the most usable form.
International AI education produces the AI professionals of the future. In autumn 2020, a new training programme at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences started with a group of 55 students from 15 different nationalities. The AI education builds on strong programming skills, on top of which AI skills are built. Companies in the region are ready to cooperate closely, not only in the form of projects, but also by offering their educational expertise in the form of business projects.
STEM activities focuses on supporting and encouraging teachers in the use of technologies in education and on inspiring children and young people to pursue and study mathematics, science and technology. Increasing collaboration between schools and strengthening learning and doing together between school and society.