The RoboAI Research and Development Center has dozens of projects supported by different funding partners every year.
Projects of the RoboAI Research and Development Center
RoboAI Industry – Automation and robotics
Cobot – Collaborative robots boosting the sustainable growth in welding machine shops
The main objective of the project is to modernise and diversify the regional economy and business sector in Satakunta through RDI activities and to promote the transition to a climate-neutral economy. The reduction of peat production in Satakunta requires additional investments in RDI activities, incl. the development of new operating models, innovations and production processes and making them accessible and usable by companies. The project will focus on a strategy of smart specialisation, incl. increasing automation and robotics related RDI activities and strengthening people's digital skills, thus strengthening the transition towards a green economy.
The project invests in improving companies' know-how and innovation opportunities based on experiments and joint development. As a result of the project, e.g. calculation models to improve the productivity and quality of welding workshops, increase material and energy efficiency, as well as an exemplary production process to be utilized by the companies in the area is produced. Meanwhile, the know-how acquired in this work is transferred to the use and operation of SMEs. The goal is to optimize the cooperation of the collaborative robot, welding power source and artificial intelligence to improve the production speed and quality of SMEs and to reduce the material and energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the current production processes.
The project pilots a production process that creates economic growth for SMEs and enables low-carbon and resource-efficient production. The piloted production process is carefully documented, open and publicly available to all interested parties. Any company/organization can freely adopt the process.
The project is implemented by the experts of RoboAI research and development center. The actions of the project consist of preliminary studies, experiments, tests and published presentations, which increase the programming and robotics know-how of Satakunta SMEs and the willingness to invest in collaborative robotics and artificial intelligence.
Duration: 1.2.2024–31.3.2026
Funding: Regional council of Satakunta, JTF
More information: Veli-Matti Härmä,
Cognitive Robotics Iniative for Industry 5.0
The project aims to develop cognitive robotics solutions that combine advanced automation and human expertise. The project seeks to improve collaboration between humans and robots, develop intuitive programming interfaces, and enable skill transfer to robots. Additionally, the goal is to increase productivity, flexibility, and environmental friendliness in the manufacturing industry, strengthen the international competitiveness of Finnish industry, and promote sustainable development. The project also focuses on developing advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotic sensory systems, and safety solutions.
Research Components/Implementation:
The project is carried out in collaboration with Centria University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK), and Turku University of Applied Sciences (TurkuAMK).
Centria University of Applied Sciences has the main responsibility for the project, and SAMK focuses particularly on the implementation of the project's sub-goals.
The project is divided into six work packages, which include:
- Administration and Communication: Project coordination, information sharing, and researcher exchange.
- Cognitive Systems: Development of system architecture, integration of artificial intelligence, and robotic sensory systems.
- Robotic Sensory Systems: Development of visual, auditory, and haptic technologies for robots to perceive their environment.
- Methods and Testing: Deep learning, reinforcement learning, and skill transfer to robots.
- Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC): Improving usability and safety.
- Pilots: Practical testing of technologies in industrial environments (e.g., smart welding and flexible assembly).
Duration: 1.1.2025–31.12.2027
Funding: ELY Centre South Savo, ERDF
Further information: Kari Marttila,
Design, manufacture and commissioning of motor vehicle driving simulator and mobile robot
The project aims at the design, manufacturing and testing of a self-built L5e vehicle and the design, simulation and implementation of autonomous robots by students of mechanical engineering, mechatronics and AI. The research has resulted in the production of a vehicle and several mobile robots, with testing and simulation of component performance and geometry of the chassis, shock absorber and steering systems.
Duration: 30.4.2020–31.12 2025
Funded by: Porin aikuiskoulutussäätiö
Further information: Harri Ahola,
Kytee - Cybersecurity for Satakunta's industry
The Kytee project focuses on strengthening cyber security in Satakunta's industry. The project aims to ensure that industry in the region complies with the requirements of the revised EU Information Security Directive (NIS2) and meets the challenges of the modern digital environment.
Project objectives:
- To raise awareness of cyber threats and cyber security among the region's industry.
- To raise awareness of cyber security and cyber intelligence in the EU and to build a network of cooperation.
- To improve the level of cyber security and resilience of industry in the region.
- Ensure compliance with the requirements of the NIS2 Directive.
Key actions:
- Raising awareness of cyber threats and cyber security
- Technology pilots and practical testing
- A cyber security training environment
- NIS2 Directive and regulation
Duration: 1.5.2024 - 31.5.2026
Funded by: Regional council of Satakunta, JTF
Further information: Jere Grönman,
For more information, please visit the project's website. (in Finnish)
MathifyMe – Making maths more accessible using Game-based learning to create a more inclusive and less stressful environment in the learning of maths
The project aims to raise maths teachers’ and students’ awareness of the problem of maths anxiety (MA) and through that, enable more positive attitudes and ways of teaching and learning maths as well as lowering MA in the society. The main objective is to create a customisable digital learning game that maths teachers in primary and middle schools can use and adapt to increase awareness about MA and support students struggling with MA.
Co-design of the game involves an iterative process led by a multidisciplinary team in which the game is created, tested, and refined with input from students and teachers. The co-design process is informed by a needs analysis which uncovers reasons for math anxiety and identifies effective practices for lowering it. Additionally, Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) will be created to equip teachers to use and adapt the game. Dissemination activities are conducted throughout the project.The project publishes a report and a visualized good practices brochure for teachers on the causes and consequences of MA and ways to lower it based on the needs analysis. The MathifyMe Digital Game is publicly released for worldwide use. The first results of the field tests and a video guide for the game will be published. Teachers (n=100) in participating countries will have professional development on MA and the MathifyMe Digital Game. The TPD programme will be published for general use.
Duration: 1.11.2024–31.10.2027
Funding: Erasmus +
Further information: Jenni Huhtasalo
The aim of the ‘Modernization of technology companies using artificial intelligence and robotics’ project is to build, test, and service design a modernization service that meets the needs of companies in the region of Satakunta. Through the modernization service, SMEs in particular, can order experiments and Proof of Concept (PoC) pilots carried out by experts and/or expert/student teams in various fields.
With the help of the modernization service, which is modeled and shaped through the practical experiments carried out in the project, SMEs will have the opportunity to carry out tests that can be used in the development of production, the digitalization of business operations, and the acceleration of investments. SMEs are encouraged to find new openings based on future technologies.
The goals and actions of the project is to respond to the goals set for the automation and robotics cluster in the ‘smart specialization’ strategy for the Satakunta region by renewing the research, development, and innovation (RDI) environment that produces technological know-how and innovation by means of modernization services. At the same time, in line with the Satakunta strategy, the development of business environments will be ensured and the region's knowledge and innovation ecosystem will be strengthened in line with smart specialisation.
The project will be carried out by experts from the RoboAI research and product development laboratory. One of the project goals is to create a completely new RDI collaboration model that meets the needs of SMEs, a modernization service that combines the academic and practical knowledge from both the university and university of applied sciences experts, as well as an innovative and solution-oriented development approach. In this way, we will respond to the goals of Innovation and Skills in Finland.
Duration: 1.8.2023 – 31.10.2025
Funded by: EAKR, Regional council of Satakunta
More information:
Ville Konttinen,
Profiles in information technology
The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions providing IT education by creating a permanent profiling group. This group will develop areas of specialisation and models of cooperation between universities so that their training offerings complement each other.
The key objectives are:
- A profiled network of cooperation - To consolidate the profiling group's operating model and clarify the areas of expertise of higher education institutions. In addition, curricular cooperation will be promoted and cross-study will be facilitated.
- Developing joint provision - Establish common quality and operational principles, pilot joint courses and produce materials for open learning environments. Where appropriate, develop a lightweight website to coordinate course offerings.
The project will enable universities to take advantage of the network's offerings and continue to cooperate with their own funding, thus supporting the development of IT skills at national level.
Duration: 1.1.2025–31.7.2027
Funding: OKM
Further information: Juho Salli,
RoboFleet – Efficient use of fleets of mobile robots and exoskeletons
The main objective of the project, in collaboration with Centria, is to explore ways to improve the competitiveness of companies in the region and increase production efficiency through the use of fleet-intelligent mobile robotics and the latest body-supporting exoskeletons. At the same time, the aim is to produce and disseminate this collected information on the potential of mobile robotics and exoskeleton fleets for the region's businesses.
The project will identify the work tasks for which mobile robots and exoskeleton fleets are suitable in companies in the region. Based on the information obtained, new and innovative ways of using these technologies in industrial and healthcare environments will be explored and developed. Applications include logistics tasks for mobile robots and repetitive or heavy-duty tasks for exoskeletons.
Based on the information gathered, the technologies will be tested and demonstrated both at the companies' premises, at their own sites, and in workshops at SAMK. The demonstrations and results of the experiments will also be presented at a roadshow in the region.
The aim is also to develop and pilot a platform-independent fleet control system combining mobile robots and exoskeletons. The aim is to develop a platform-independent fleet control system that automatically recognises work tasks, based on calls, and enables the centralised control of different types of robots.
As the project progresses, learning from the solutions and approaches of the project partners will be collected. With SAMK doing pair solutions in one way and Centria in another, we can identify the best functionalities and develop our solutions in both directions to meet the needs of companies even more widely.
Duration: 1.5.2024 - 30.6.2026
Funded by: ERDF, JTF, Regional Council of Satakunta
Further information from: Ville Konttinen,
For more information, please visit the project's website. (in Finnish)
RoboAI Health – Welfare and health technology
ASKE – Pathways to homelessness in the Turku region – from transitions to social, health, economic and technological sustainability
ASKE is a research project - Homelessness pathways in the Turku region – from transitions to social, health, economic and technological sustainability (ASKE). ASKE is a collaborative research project between the Department of Social Research in University of Turku, the Turku School of Economics and the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. It is funded by the Turku Urban Research Programme during 2024-2025.
ASKE examines the prevention, mechanisms and consequences of homelessness from a multidisciplinary perspective. The core of the project is analysis of a novel longitudinal dataset which combines national and local registers. The data allows a retrospective, long-term analysis of the housing, service and benefit pathways of homeless people. The expected results will show the length, recurrence and overlaps in service use of the homelessness, linked to transitions in housing and life circumstances, and to broader structural societal changes. These form homelessness and service pathways, the identification of which is essential for the development of the welfare services.
The analysis of the register data will form the basis of the project, and the key findings will be deepened and extended by the other sub-studies of the project. Municipal economic analysis is used to identify the economic impact of different service pathways related to homelessness. Literature reviews and interviews with local actors will be used to identify dimensions related to homeless people’s health, digitalisation of services, and service system transformations. These analyses will improve the understanding of potential gaps in the service system and help to develop the service system accordingly.
Further information: Senior Researcher,
More information on the project website
CulDif – Enhancing culturally diverse youths' employability through cross-border entrepreneurial education
CulDif is an innovative program designed to boost the career prospects of young people in the Central Baltic region through cross-border cooperation and entrepreneurial skills. The project aims to create an inclusive environment for young people from Estonia (Narva) and Finland (Satakunta) with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds to learn, connect, and grow together, ultimately contributing to the regional economy and their personal development.
The program combines digital learning, cultural exchange, and practical business skills to prepare participants for future challenges as an entrepreneur. Activities include workshops, mentoring sessions, and real-world projects focusing on key areas like digitalisation, AI in business processes, wellbeing and entrepreneurship. This program will provide participants with both technical skills and insights into cross-cultural communication.
Funding: European Union within Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021 - 2027
Duration: 01.05.2024 – 31.10.2025
More information: Ali Tavakoli,
Digital tools for supporting participation, functional ability, and client-centered services
The ultimate aim of the project is to strengthen a broad range of skills so that people can and dare to meet, support and employ people with intellectual disabilities. The main objective is to improve the inclusion, capacity and employability of people with intellectual disabilities through technology and digital solutions. Strengthening the competences and digital skills of professionals working with people with intellectual disabilities, increasing multidisciplinary networking and reforming services are also key objectives.
The sub-objectives are:
- Harnessing the potential of digital solutions to support the independent daily lives of people with intellectual disabilities at home and at work
- Promoting service reform and improving customer orientation through the application and co-creation of digital solutions
- Strengthening competences in the use of technology, networking and multidisciplinary cooperation through practical experimentation
- Further implementation and improvement of medication safety practices and identification of digital solutions to streamline processes
- Promoting the employment of people with intellectual disabilities by increasing the capacity and skills of actors employing people with intellectual disabilities through cooperation and new tools.
Schedule: 1.4.2024-31.10.2026
Funded by: the EU's Regional and Structural Policy Programme, European Social Fund plus (ESF+) Renewable and Competent Finland 2021-2027
Tuni (Tampere University Foundation sr) as main project promoter, SAMK as sub-project promoter.
Further information: Taina Jyräkoski,
EHEÄ – from experiences, creativity and technology to well-being, vitality and smart services
The main objective of the EHEÄ project is to produce new RDI activities, business and well-being in Satakunta, combining technology, culture and social and health care, to diversify the economic structure of the region and to increase the well-being of residents by strengthening preventive and well-being support services.
The project will create new skills and networks, building on the region's strong know-how but combining it in a new way. The project will be implemented in a multidisciplinary way with the technology, welfare and culture sectors.
The project will identify the needs of different target groups for experience and well-being services that complement social services, develop and test the content and tools of experience production for different target groups, model services using experiential technology and cultural content and their effects, and create a cooperation model for service development.
Duration: 1.5.2024-30.4.2027
The main coordinator of the project is Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, the partners are Sataedu, Prizztech and Tampere University Foundation sr (TUNI)
Funding: EAKR (European Regional Development Fund)
Further information: Juha Mäkelä,
IKI – From ageing to innovations
The main goal of the project is to utilize the benefits of digitalization for the benefit of citizens, companies and public administration. As a result of the project, GeroTestbed, which specializes in promoting the functional ability of the elderly, will be created. GeroTestbed is part of the Satakunta Testbed activities. GeroTestbed is a development and testing environment specialized in promoting the functional ability and well-being of the elderly, where it is possible to test and develop both well-being and health technology devices and software. GeroTestbed links the region's strong robotics and automation expertise, especially to the health and safety field.
Duration: 1.3.2023–31.8.2025
Financier: ERDF European Regional Development Fund (EU and state funding applied for is 60% and Municipal funding 40%, city of Pori)
Coordination and partners: The main coordinator of the project is Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, the partners are Diak and the University of Tampere, Pori unit
More on the project from the website (
Additional information: Mervi Vähätalo,
KidsLikeUs – Empowering NGOs & public institutions in helping children overcome migration traumas using creativity and favors of nature
The project aims to support children affected by migration crises and other mental health challenges by inspiring volunteers, educators, public authorities, and NGOs to create welcoming and sensory-friendly environments that bring in nature, address all senses, and improve mental and physical well-being.
As part of the project, a set of digital and physical solutions for the "Superhero sensory garden" will be developed to enable the creation of arrangements in which volunteers and educators will be able to conduct integration, relaxation, and therapeutic activities more easily and comfortably. These "gardens" can help improve mental health for not only refugee children but also people of all ages and nationalities. By addressing these borderless issues and encouraging the design of welcoming environments, the project facilitates that children can develop strong mental attitudes and feel valued regardless of their current location, nationality, or background, ultimately building a better and more inclusive future for the European Union and the generations to come.
Funding source: Funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) within Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021 - 2027.
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025
More information on the project website
More information, please contact Anja Poberznik,
OPPIVA - Smart technologies as a basis for a learning environment
The project focuses on the development and research of technology solutions that can support the regulation of learner's state of arousal by taking into account the holistic approach to sensory load and management. The experience of sensory stimuli is individual, which calls for modularity in technology development. Technology can be used to map, reduce and decode sensory load, but also to stimulate arousal. Technology can measure the effects of the above activities.
In particular, the project will focus on applied research on building automation, technology integrated into the environment (structures, furniture), and various mobile stand-alone solutions and combinations of the above, to provide concrete technological solutions for learning environments to manage (activating and de-activating) and measure the learner's state of arousal. Through laboratory and field testing, knowledge of the specificities required of technologies in learning environments will increase and understanding of the potential of technology to support learning will grow.
Duration: 1.1.2024-31.12.2026
Funding: Ulla Tuominen Foundation
Further information: Sari Merilampi,
Platform for growth – towards new directions and innovations
Research objectives:
- The aim of the project is the forward-looking renewal and diversification of the region's economy and business structure. The aim is to develop rapid and agile business development in order to remain profitable and competitive and to respond to the changing needs and demands of the business environment and customers.
- The project will reinforce a forward-looking, environmentally aware and innovation-friendly culture, and promote the innovative capacity of enterprises and the emergence of new inventions. The project aims to address the pain points of inventors and businesses producing new innovations and to strengthen their capacity to grow.
Timeframe: 1.10.2023 - 30.6.2026
Funded by: Regional council of Satakunta, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Transitional Justice Fund - JTF, Call for proposals for development and investment projects of general interest in Satakunta
Further information: Nina Karttunen, and on the project's website (in Finnish).
ReactiveToo – Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow's Active Systems
ReACTIVE Too is a research-focused project that brings together a unique team of academic and industrial members. The team will tackle challenging aspects of reliability and future developments in electronic systems. Consisting of European organisations from Finland, France, Poland and the UK and international partners from China, each partner country will supply both industrial and academic units.
ReACTIVE Too will do research into design for reliability for electronics-based systems and will include the introduction of an agile hardware development cycle with virtual techniques to uniquely address reliability and physical validation in active safety systems.
Exemplar systems from partner companies in Automotive and Healthcare will be used to validate the ideas. The team will be developed through a series of workshops and secondments. Future plans will be developed during these interactions to target new research and innovation topics and more intense interactions by making future joint funding proposals.
The consortium:
ReactiveToo brings together an international team of researchers and industrialists to establish a research network, with a wide variety of skills in electronics interconnections (UoW, LJMU, APTIV, TUT, SUT, SAMK), design of electronic based systems (APTIV, SUT, LJMU), smart textiles (TUT, SAMK, UBFC), energy harvesting (UBFC, CTEC, ASAS, SCLL), automotive active safety (APTIV, SUT, LJMU), IoT and sensors (TUT, SCLL, APTIV, UBFC), active and assisted living technologies (SAMK, TUT, JUNET), AI and data management (SUT, APTIV, LJMU), and reliability engineering (LJMU, UoW, APTIV, TUT, SAMK).
Duration: 1.2.2020–30.6.2025
Funded by: Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Further information: Sari Merilampi,
Read more about the project:
TÄPS – Smart deployment of technology for new service innovations in the social and health sector
Key objectives of the project:
- Increasing the service innovation potential of SMEs in the social and healthcare, and technology sector
- improving the conditions for technology adoption in social and healthcare organisations - the necessary operational changes and the use of support services (e.g. Testbed)
- enabling the development of new technology-based social and healthcare service innovations
- increasing the knowledge of technology SMEs about the resources and services needed by social and healthcare services to deploy and maintain products
- increasing public-private cooperation
Duration: 1.11.2023-30.6.2025
Funding provider: Regional council of Satakunta, Support for Sustainable Growth and Vitality of Regions (AKKE)
Main partner SAMK, co-project Prizztech.
Further information: Taina Jyräkoski,
Walking in My Shoes is a forward-thinking project that uses Virtual Reality (VR) technology to help caregivers, students, and healthcare professionals develop a deeper, more personal understanding of what it’s like to live with Alzheimer’s and dementia. By stepping into a simulated reality that mirrors the daily struggles of dementia patients, participants gain valuable insights that can lead to more compassionate and effective care.
The project brings together experts in healthcare and technology to co-create Finnish-language VR content that reflects real-life experiences. Through interactive workshops, hands-on VR training, and real-world implementation in care facilities and educational institutions, we aim to bridge the gap between knowledge and true empathy. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life for dementia patients by promoting a new level of understanding among those who care for them.
Funding: High Technology Foundation of Satakunta
Duration: 01.01.2024–31.03.2025
For more information: Ali Tavakoli,
RoboAI Green – Circular economy of technology metals
AIST – A novel AI-based Spectroscopic Technique and a future-ready research laboratory for recycling of battery materials
AIST project is a Satakunta University of Applied Sciences owned project with two visiting researchers from University of Oulu (battery materials) and Tampere University (spectroscopy). The goal of the project is to develop an AI-based spectroscopic method that could identify and sort the composition of the recyclable battery materials online as part of the pre-processing phase of the recycling process, thus directing the batteries more efficiently and safely to the right recycling process in the industry.
The project will make research of the present and future battery materials and investigate the most promising spectroscopic methods for identifying the materials. This knowledge will provide a basis for teaching the AI system to identify the elemental composition of the battery materials, and to design and build a spectroscopic system. The system will be tested in a laboratory and the goal is to test it in an industrial setting, too. The eventual goal is to develop an AI based spectroscopic system that is ready-to-imply in the industry for recognizing the battery materials online in the pre-processing phase of the recycling process.
Funding: Ministry of Education and Culture
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.3.2025
Further information from the project's page (in Finnish)
Further information: Johanna Valio,
Electrical car dismantling
SAMK and Winnova are implementing the Electrical car dismantling project, which aims to improve the professional skills needed to decommission electric cars and increase the circular economy business related to electric cars.
Traditional car dismantling or scrapping companies have a high threshold to work out the details of electric car dismantling and to acquire electric cars for dismantling. This project will lower this threshold and accelerate the recycling of electric vehicles. The project will produce a guide that will address both electrical and fire safety issues and the further use of the components to be dismantled.
The project will also strengthen the networking of operators in the region and promote the circular economy. The project will involve car dismantling and recycling companies, which will bring their expertise to the network and benefit from the research and documentation work carried out.
The strengthening of the circular economy chain will improve the availability of raw materials, labour skills and hence competitiveness of the battery and technology metals cluster in the region. At the same time, new businesses specialising in the downstream processing and reuse of electric vehicle components and materials will be created in the region.
Duration: 1.5.2024 – 30.9.2026
Funded by: ERDF, Regional Council of Satakunta
For more information, please visit the project's website. (in Finnish)
Further information: Timo Santa-Nokki,
ROSS – Heavy metal online spectroscopy in Satakunta
The aim of the ROSS project is to develop a new, real-time online monitoring system for heavy metal emissions, which will enable accurate and continuous measurement of heavy metal emissions in industrial processes. This will improve emission management and help industry adapt to stricte environmental requirements. Current methods for measuring heavy metal emissions are often time delayed and require manual handling, which does not allow for a rapid response to different situations. The ROSS project will provide a new technological solution using optical emission spectroscopy and AI-based analytics.
Funding: Satakunta Regional Council (JTF)
Duration: 1.1.2025-31.12.2026
Further information on project's own page (in Finnish).
Further information: Pekka Suominen,
RoboAI Intelligent Systems
Artificial intelligence in the creative and cultural ecosystem - LuovAIn!
The creative and cultural industries (CCIs) are central to the diverse development and well-being of society, generating and sustaining social inclusion, economic prosperity, and growth and employment based on creative skills (TEM, 2020).These sectors also contribute to the wider European identity, culture and values, while providing growth opportunities and jobs, especially for young people. In addition, the creative industries support social cohesion in an age characterised by social polarisation (European Commission, 2023). However, with globalisation, pandemic preparedness, and technological developments, these sectors must also be able to adapt and innovate to remain viable. The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in productisation and innovation has been recognised in many sectors, but its use in the creative and cultural sectors is still in its infancy, not only in Finland but also more widely in Europe (DISCE H2020, 2022; European Commission, 2022). The aim of this project is to promote the use of AI in the different stages of the design process (the so-called double diamond: discover, define, design, deliver). At the same time, the role of the creative and cultural sectors will be strengthened as a contribution to economic productivity and sustainable competitiveness.
The project will increase the cross-sectoral interaction of the D&I actors to identify new opportunities for national and inter-regional cooperation, brand competences, AI intellectual property rights (European Commission, 2022), smart and sustainable growth. In addition to traditional creative industries actors, the project will involve business and regional developers nationwide to strengthen the capacity of business skills and digital co-creation skills related to the creative and cultural sectors.
In recent months, there has been a global awakening to the fact that advances in accessible AI have led to practical applications that make work easier, more efficient and more diverse. This also applies to creative work. At the same time, the amount of working time freed up for creative work and innovation is increasing. This project responds to the need for creators to integrate AI into the process of developing products and services. Creatives are often micro or small entrepreneurs and their product or service relies on personal skills and experience. They do not always have the necessary networks and training to identify, test and deploy the latest tools. The CreatAIn! project will address this skills gap and bring new AI tools to creative actors through workshops, training materials and roadshow interventions. This will ensure that the development of AI awareness and skills is promoted across the creative sector and that the fruits of AI development are not only accrued to large companies, but that the benefits are also channelled into the day-to-day activities of domestic creative and cultural industries and the strengthening of co-creation.
More information:
Duration: 1.2.2024-31.12.2026
From waste to raw material - A circular economy model for Satakunta
Text coming soon!
Duration: 1.1.2023-31.12.2025
Living lab farm data for farms, research, education and extension (LivingLabData)
The research will create continuity and coherence in the Finnish agricultural Living Lab collaboration model in arable farming, thus promoting the widespread use of data and the transition to a data economy both on farms and in expert organisations serving farms. Real production environments, such as farms, are essential for technological development and research to ensure that the results are also widely exploitable. Various actors have long been working together with farmers in the field of RTD, fulfilling the characteristics of a living lab. Closer cooperation is needed to address practical agricultural challenges in a multidisciplinary way, using different technologies. Developing this further will involve closer collaboration between practising farmers, research and extension. At the same time, the participation of farmers and the possibility to adopt new technologies will be improved. The data must also be transformed into valuable information for farm management.
In this project, we look at the whole picture from different angles:
1) to improve the capacity of farms to be active players as partners in technological research and to be at the forefront of incorporating the benefits of new technologies into their business.
2) promoting the use of remote sensing and data-generating technologies on farms.
3) Developing practices and opportunities for data transfer to support farm management.
4) define reference data to support data exploitation and sharing between farms and their partners.
The project will refine and implement a Living Lab collaboration model to (a) gather experience on the use of on-farm data, (b) test the suitability of technologies based on remote sensing technologies for Finnish agriculture and (c) identify good collaboration practices to consolidate cooperation between farms, extension and research.
Duration: 1.3.2023–31.12.2025
Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, coordinator LUKE
Further information: Petri Linna
MindFlow - a system for measuring flow state
The aim of the MindFlow project is to develop and evaluate a flow state measurement system and application that can be used to achieve flow state and assess the state level. The results will be used to implement a prototype system to monitor individual flow state and provide information on e.g. cognitive load levels and recovery.
The system is based on physiological measurements (ECG/HR, EEG; and PPG) integrated in an easy-to-use wireless device manufactured by a third party. In addition to short-term flow status, the system is able to assess central nervous system function and identify long-term changes in brain function caused by cognitive and mental load and recovery, among other things. The system provides a tool for students, for example, who can use the device to monitor their concentration and productivity while studying. An employee can use the device to monitor their cognitive load at work and an athlete can use the device to monitor their recovery after training.
Other applications of the results of the study may include the level of concentration in simulator use and the design of digital games and gamified elements. The study will build on previous publications and research findings on brain function changes induced by load, as well as on results obtained during the project from the collection of a large reference data set.
The end result will be a developed prototype of a system optimised for analysis and consumer feedback.
Duration: 2.1.2024–31.7.2025
Funded by Business Finland: Research to Business funding
Further information: Tarmo Lipping
Modernising tech companies with AI and robotics
The aim of the project "Modernisation of technology enterprises through AI and robotics" is to design, test and service a modernisation service tailored to the needs of enterprises in the region of Satakunta, in which SMEs in particular can commission experiments and Proof of Concept (PoC) pilots carried out by experts and/or teams of experts/students in different fields.
The project's practical trials will enable SMEs to improve their production, digitalise their business and accelerate their investments. Through modernisation services, SMEs will be encouraged to make new openings based on future technologies.
The project's objectives and measures will respond to the objectives set for the automation and robotics cluster in Satakunta's Smart Specialisation Strategy by renewing the technological know-how and innovation-generating environment through modernisation services. At the same time, in line with the Satakunta strategy, the development of the business environment will be ensured and the knowledge and innovation ecosystem of the region will be strengthened in line with smart specialisation.
The project will develop business environments and strengthen the knowledge and innovation ecosystem for smart specialisation in line with the Satakunta strategy. Modernisation services will encourage SMEs to adopt future technologies. The project will also promote the links between academic research and higher education and the strategic development of the region.
The project will be implemented by experts from the RoboAI Research and Development Laboratory. One of the project's objectives is to create a completely new model of RDI cooperation, a modernisation service that meets the needs of SMEs, combining academic and practical applied research skills with an innovative and solution-oriented development approach by university and polytechnic experts. It also responds to the objectives of a renewing and skilled Finland.
Duration: 1.8.2023–31.10.2025
Funding by: ERDF, Satakunta Federation
For more information, see the project page and Petri Rantanen, and Jari Soini,
Our Data ecosystem
The digital environment of the future brings both challenges and opportunities for the agri-food sector. The EU's data strategy and related new legislation will change the landscape of the data economy, emphasising data sovereignty and trust-based use of data in business ecosystems. New data space principles and mechanisms will enable data connectivity and managed data exchange between actors in a cost-effective way.
This change can be prepared for by strengthening the capacity of actors through research and industry collaboration. This research project will provide solutions to enable companies to participate in the technical and business ecosystems of the Fair Data Economy and create new business on their own terms, autonomously and diversely using the data they manage.
In particular, the research will focus on the collaborative use of data (our data) for business development in basic enterprises and on scaling the business of SMEs, including start-ups, enabled by data spatial data and service delivery mechanisms. In addition, common industry elements that are still missing but necessary for the smooth exploitation of data will be explored and developed, such as data quality and harmonisation, common data descriptors and vocabularies, and services to provide these in the data space. The use case is a fair data economy business ecosystem covering the supply chain of data-enriched grain from primary production to the buyer, either for export or domestic processing.
The project will result in new knowledge and methodologies on how to develop business models that are compliant with the new EU data legislation and exploit the data space mechanisms between actors, and how to scale business in the data space by generating, sharing and exploiting high quality "our data" for the common benefit of the ecosystem.
Duration: 1.1.2024–31.12.2026
Coordinator: LUKE
Further information: Petri Linna
Practical applications of Digital Twins in the Satakunta region (Digi2)
The Digital Twins in Satakunta (Digi2) project will provide a new type of experimental environment and co-creation methods for the joint use of Satakunta's business community and technology development organisations.
This will contribute to the development of know-how in taking advantage and use of the digital twins and the deployment of advanced technology concepts.
The project is ERDF-funded.
Duration: 1.5.2023–30.6.2025
More information on the project website (, in Finnish)
Further information: Jari Soini,
Studies and pilots on peatland restoration and emission reduction
Duration: 1.1.2024-30.6.2026
Completed projects
In the project, roundtable workshops are held on different application areas of artificial intelligence. Current information about the workshops and the project in general (
The project is funded by the ESF (European Social Fund).
Duration: 1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022
More information: Jari Turunen,
APAJA – Preliminary Survey of Field Research Needs for Battery Fires
Satakunta offers a unique facilities for testing and researching battery fire phenomena due to the West Finland Rescue Training Area, circular economy operators and the circular economy expertise of the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. The APAJA project will identify where in Satakunta it would be worthwhile to focus research, testing and training activities on battery fires. The APAJA project will gather information on state-of-the-art research, research methods and challenges in battery fire safety testing, as well as on the operating environment and current status of battery fire safety testing in Finland and the surrounding areas.
Funded by: Regional council of Satakunta, AKKE-funding
Duration 1.11.2023-30.4.2024
Further information:
Johanna Valio,
Innovative solutions to support BSR in providing more senior - friendly public spaces due to increased capacity of BSR companies and public institutions.
Data Lake Innovation Testbed for Future Hospital
Research components/objectives:
Finland's first ecosystem where Testbed integrates
- central and university hospitals
- universities of applied sciences and science universities
- ´datalake´ suppliers
- supercomputing platform supplier and
- growth and start-up companies
Duration: 11.1.2021 - 31.5.2023
Funding source: special funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture for RDI activities in universities of applied sciences
More information: Jonna-Carita Kanninen,
DigiNepsy - Promoting the work and functional capacity of neuropsychiatric clients through technology
Research components/objectives:
- Supporting sensory load and recovery, structuring of daily life and interaction
- Identification and acquisition of existing technology solutions and development of new tools
- Piloting of technology tools
- Development of multidisciplinary services and professional skills
- Creation of an Idealainaamo material bank
Duration: 1.3.2020 - 31.12.2023
Funding: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Central Finland (ESF)
More information: Juha Mäkelä,
The main objective of the Digitomkku project is to create and deploy a Big Data experimentation and learning platform for tomato, cucumber and pepper production, based on test beds and managed by a network of experts. The project will focus on sensor networks in greenhouses, data transfer, data management, data analysis and the use of data for decision making. The structure produced and the experience gained in its use will form the basis for commercial, network-based business activities of greenhouse and control technology companies. The project is coordinated by LUKE.
More information on the project (
Schedule: 1 September 2019–30 June 2022
More information: Petri Linna,
The eKETJU project seeks solutions to the risks, weaknesses and threats identified in the Satakunta food chain (production-processing-distribution/retail trade) during the COVID-19 epidemic, which may endanger the business opportunities, affect employment and thus the security of supply of food production and food distribution in the region. The project is coordinated by the Pyhäjärvi Institute. More information about the project (
The project is funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).
Duration: 1 May 2021–31 August 2023
More information: Nathaniel Narra,
European Joint Program on Radioactive Waste Management (EURAD)
EURAD is a joint project of pan-European operators, which develops know-how related to the final disposal of radioactive waste. The role of the DAO group in the project is to develop and validate methods to find out the sensitivity of the models in relation to the output parameters.
Visit the project's website (
More information: Tarmo Lipping,
Key objectives of the project:
- To enable low-threshold, customer-driven experimentation with digital services and well-being technologies for older people and people with disabilities.
- Increase cross-sectoral cooperation (educational institutions, private companies, public and 3rd sector).
- Strengthen the vitality of Satakunta by supporting enterprises and service providers
Key measures of the project:
- Organise needs mapping workshops and a needs assessment survey open to all on the equipment to be tested
- To draw up a description of the operating model of the lending center
- Acquire equipment to be loaned to different services based on the needs assessments
- Pilot and evaluate the functioning of the lending service
- Create a dedicated section for the Funteeraamo on the provincial Testbed website
- Describe the model of cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises as part of the lending activities
Timetable: 1.9.2022-31.8.2023
Funding provider: Satakuntaliitto, Supporting sustainable growth and vitality of regions (AKKE)
Main partner: Satakunta Welfare Region (at the start of the project Satasairaala), co-project SAMK.
Further information: Taina Jyräkoski,
From crisis to growth opportunities and renewal (KAMU)
The aim of the KAMU project is to accelerate the recovery of companies in the Satakunta region from exceptional circumstances and promote the strengthening of their renewed business operations by means of applying knowledge of research, development and innovations (RDI). Development and networking events related to topical themes will be organized with the companies and business service providers/operators. Issues experienced by companies wishing to develop and their development needs and solutions will be examined throughout the project. On the basis of the surveys, meetings and interviews, a business model and development tool (the KAMU application) supporting business renewal and/or improved product development will be created. They will help companies and organizations to make a systematic evaluation to develop their business, utilizing research and product development knowledge previously gained in other organizations
The project is funded by the ERDF (REACT-EU).
Duration: 1.9.2021–31.8.2023
More information: Jari Leppäniemi,
GAMMA - Game-based Learning in Mathematics
The international Erasmus+ funded project GAMMA (GAMe-based learning in MAthematics) is creating teaching materials, teaching scenarios and related mathematical games that include topics from the mathematics curriculum for students aged 14-18. The project is coordinated by a Croatian higher education institution and involves, in addition to SAMK and Pori Lyseo Secondary School, higher education institutions from Greece and the Netherlands and secondary education institutions from Croatia and Greece.
The project aims to:
- To raise teachers' and students' awareness of different digital maths games and their connection to improving mathematical skills.
- To develop learning materials for all mathematics teachers interested in digital technology-based GBL, as they play a leading role in guiding students through the process.
More information about the project (
For more information, contact Mirka Leino,
Hyvinvointia Hybridisti
Key objectives of the project
- to increase the understanding of technology-mediated services and distance interactions
- to enable the diffusion of digitalisation of services and the development of service quality
- to strengthen the interaction skills of professionals in empathic presence and encounter in technology-mediated services
- expanding the technological competences of professionals and the technological skills of professionals and users
- to increase confidence in the technology-mediated development of services and provide them with a development environment
- to extend remote and local services to professionals' and users' environments, e.g. through service design
- to be proactive in building hybrid services for the future (2030), taking into account the strategies and scenarios of the work community and the business environment.
Duration: 1.9.2021 - 31.8.2023
Funding: REACT-EU ESF measures
More information: Tiina Mäkitalo,
Implementation of a fair data economy in agriculture
The goal of the project is to research and create prototypes of tools with which to promote the digitalization of farms and more broadly agriculture in accordance with a fair data economy. The goals are divided into four sub-goals that enable and promote the realization of each other:
1) Create a concept of a procedure that allows the digitization of the farm and its processes to be done in a planned, safe and profitable way.
2) Prepare a fair data economy rulebook model created for the agricultural sector, which is also applied to the use cases discussed in the project.
3) Gather together in the public 'AgriDatahub service' different data sources and their descriptions as well as examples of their utilization down to the code level.
4) Develop a prototype of a service where the farmer can share his own data in a closed manner with the desired closed group and request evaluation, interpretation and/or advice regarding the data.
The project is financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and LUKE is involved in the project.
Duration: 1 October 2021–31 December 2023
More information: Petri Linna,
Less is More – Toward an energy minimum for properties (KIEMI)
The key results of the project are a series of proof-of-concept prototypes and systems that enable the creation of transparent, modular solutions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings suitable for different types of use. The prototypes piloted during the project will help to clarify the fitness for use of existing sensor solutions as well as those developed in the project, in real operating environments, with the aim of determining the energy minimum of a property. The results of the project will help achieve cost savings by reducing energy use in the heating of apartments and buildings, improve residents’ living comfort and working conditions, and reduce the carbon footprint caused by using the property.
The project is funded by the ERDF.
Duration: 1.1.2019–31.12.2022
More information: Jari Soini,
Peliselli - Gamification and experientialism as enablers of new services
The project networks actors from different sectors through joint activities. On the other hand, it explores the potential of game and experience technologies. This dialogue will form the basis for the Peliselli meeting place to be built on SAMK's Pori campus, where gamification, utility games, experientialism and sensory neutrality will be harnessed as raw material for customer-oriented services.
The objectives of the project are:
- To improve the accessibility, customer orientation, diversity and attractiveness of services in the social, health, welfare and guidance (sotehyo) sector through experiential and gaming technologies, cross-disciplinary development activities and the strengthening of competences.
- Reaching and engaging service users and promoting their empowerment and well-being.
Timeframe: 1.12.2022 - 31.12.2023
Funding source: ESF 2014-20 (17%) KESELY
Further information: Janika Tommiska,
RoboAI Green
The Centre of Excellence in the Circular Economy of Technological Metals is a joint project of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and Prizztech Oy, where the RoboAI competence base is extended to the circular economy of technological metals.
The basic research question of the cluster is how to efficiently and intelligently collect, identify and separate devices and components containing valuable technology metals so that recycling of metals from them is profitable and safe.
We will identify the best available technologies, test them in the laboratory and in practical pilot projects, and promote their uptake by industry.
Funded by REACT-EU ERDF measures
Duration: 1.9.2021 - 31.8.2023
More information on the project on its project site. (, in Finnish)
For more information, contact Pekka Suominen,
A joint project between SAMK and the University of Tampere (TAU), whose objectives were based on the so-called bridge agreement, which directed resources towards strengthening positive structural change in Southwest Finland. The aim of the project was to establish a RoboAI research and product development centre.
More information: Pekka Suominen and Petteri Pulkkinen,
The project aims to speed up the robotics investments of micro and SME companies in Northern Satakunta by demonstrating the benefits that can be achieved with the help of robotics. Often in micro and SME companies, the need for robotization is identified, but the investments remain unrealized.
Research goals:
- Technology walks, which aim to identify potential robotization targets in cooperation with companies.
- Visualize the versatile possibilities of robotics with concrete demonstrations.
- Promoting the culture of experimentation with e.g. robot demonstrations.
Duration: 1 March 2022 – 31 December 2023
Funded by: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Satakunta ELY
More information: Toni Seessalo,
Networking to boost accessibility of AI-based virtual technologies in rehabilitation - Virtual Rehabilitation Network
Key objectives of the project:
- A network of multidisciplinary experts from higher education institutions with expertise in technologies and rehabilitation.
- To respond to skills needs arising from changes in working life, such as the growing number of remote services in the pandemic era
- Research, develop and innovate new AI-based virtual technologies for rehabilitation accessibility awareness and skills
- New skills for each of the actors involved in the delivery of impactful remote services, research and training content
The target groups of the project are rehabilitation professionals, teachers, students and young rehabilitees.
Duration: 1.1.2021–31.12.2022
Funding source: Ministry of Education and Culture
Further information on the project:
Contact: Taina Jyräkoski,
New technologies for the assessment and monitoring of brain health
The project is piloting an easy-to-use brain health monitoring solution based on brain waveforms using technology that is discreetly integrated into clothing.
At the same time, it is developing the know-how to apply brain electrical activity measurement to a wider range of applications, such as cognitive enhancement, computer application design (e. g. games), neurofeedback therapy and rehabilitation applications.
Wearable sensor technology will be also offered in a platform format, allowing applications using the same sensor to be built for very different purposes, creating new opportunities for software and data analytics companies.
The project aims to improve business opportunities and product development capabilities for companies in the region and to promote internationalisation.
The project is expected to provide companies with new product development expertise, international networks and co-development partners. Through the outputs and activities of the project, business opportunities for enterprises will be improved.
Duration: 1.9.2021 - 31.8.2023
Funding source: REACT-EU ERDF measures
Further information: Anja Poberznik,
New technology solutions for brain health assessment and monitoring
The aim of the project is to improve the business opportunities and product development capabilities of companies in Satakunta and to promote internationalisation. A key sub-objective is to establish a research and development platform for new brain health and brain function technologies, based on the research groups of data analytics and wearable technology of the Tampere University and the research groups of the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in the fields of wellbeing technology and artificial intelligence. monitoring systems and methods. The project is multidisciplinary and involves researchers from the fields of data analytics, wellbeing technology, wearable technology, neurology and game science. Project participants have extensive international networks in their respective fields of research.
The project is funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) (REACT-EU).
Duration: 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2023
More information: Reijo Koivula,
Ensuring critical healthcare environments function with modern technology: a new fusion of mobile robots and passive RFID technology.
The RoboRFID project will develop robotic and smart wearable technologies for well-being and health, for individual, organisational and societal needs. A key aspect of the project is to ensure that the technologies work together, as it is the combination of technologies that can address challenges in times of crisis.
For more information, visit the project website.
For more information: Sari Merilampi,
Satakunta DigiHealth
The Satakunta DigiHealth project will create an ecosystem of knowledge, development and innovation in digital services and wellbeing technology. The ecosystem will consist of an extensive network of actors and a toolbox offering a wide range of options for designing, testing, developing and service designing new digital and technological innovations.
Duration: 1.1.2019-31.8.2022
For more information, visit the project website (
More information: Sari Merilampi,
Satakunta Testbed
Research components/objectives:
- Satakunta Testbed will form a multidisciplinary testbed environment involving specialised healthcare, the county's cities and municipalities, higher and secondary education institutions, private companies and organisations.
- Modelling welfare and health technology processes suitable for use throughout Satakunta.
- Create a service directory of well-being technologies.
- Create international networks of testbed activities in Satakunta.
Funded by Satakunta Federation (React -EAKR)
Duration: 1.9.2021 - 31.8.2023.
More information on the project website (
More information, please contact Mervi Vähätalo,
Smart Metal – Mechanical separation methods and digitization in the circular economy of precious metals
The global electrification of society and the reduction of carbon emissions have significantly increased the demand for technology metals. The project therefore aims to implement part of the measures outlined in the Satakunta Sustainable Growth Programme under the heading "Technological Metals, Electrification & Metals Recycling". In particular, the project will focus on the specific need identified in the programme: "Automation and piloting of separation, dismantling and recycling technologies for precious metals".
To accelerate the growth of the circular economy sector, deeper cooperation is needed to exploit digitalisation. The circular economy is extremely important for the entire technology metal cluster in terms of the sufficiency, sustainability and acceptability of critical raw materials.
The project aims to:
- promoting the recycling of technology metals
- developing digital production methods
- piloting new technologies
The recycling business is being developed in a more sustainable and ethical direction and conditions are being created for new business. As part of the project, a joint competence cluster based on the strengths of industry in the region, Prizztech and SAMK will be sought, with special consideration given to the consolidation and centralisation of laboratory activities.
Duration: 1.4.2021 - 31.12.2022
Funding provider: Satakunta Regional Council (ERDF)
Further information: Timo Santa-Nokki,
The goal of the project is to create a smart traffic light functionality (web application) to be included on the homepages of Satakunta's tourism, event, and other leisure service companies and organizations and linked to existing communication channels, which communicates the degree of congestion of service objects indicated by IoT devices.
The project is financed from the grant for supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions (AKKE).
Duration: 1 June 2021–31 December 2022
More information: Jere Grönman,
SUMEA – Molten metal analysis methods to promote the circular economy
SUMEA is a project of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, which goal is to enable better recyclability of technology metals. Manufacturing high-quality technology metals requires good process management, which requires both long experience and a precise knowledge of the raw material. Increasing the proportion of recycled raw material in the manufacturing process brings challenges to the control of the process, as the batches of recycled raw material are often small, and their quality varies significantly. There may be unwanted impurities among the recycled material. By analyzing the melt before the melt feed is mixed with a large amount of molten metal, unwanted impurities could be detected in time. Analyzing the melt at a sufficiently early stage would enable a controlled increase in the amount of recycled raw material in the process. The project investigates the use of spectroscopy in the analysis of molten metal. The analysis of molten metal using spectroscopy will be piloted in the project.
Funding: Satakunta Regional Council (ERDF and the city of Pori)
Duration: 1.1.2023-31.12.2024
Further information from the project's page (in Finnish)
Further information:
Strengthening the expertise in data driven software engineering through industry-university collaboration in Satakunta and South Ostrobothnia (DATOS)
The DATOS project is implemented in parallel at the University Consortiums of Pori and Seinäjoki. The project seeks a solution to how companies and other organizations in South Ostrobothnia and Satakunta can be activated for digital change and the introduction of related technology. Activations are done with digitalization-promoting pilots, the more precise content of which is specified in technology forums. In addition, the project seeks a solution for increasing the accessibility of the educational offer and raising the level of education, as well as raising high-level competence in the field of information technology.
The project is funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) (REACT-EU).
Duration: 1 September 2021–31 August 2023
More information: Minna Haapakoski,
The Efficient Machine Shop (TEKO) project focuses on improving the efficiency of SMEs in the engineering industry and promoting the take-off of investments in new production methods. It will also raise awareness of the new technologies available to businesses and explore the opportunities created by digitalisation.
The project aimed to:
- Improve the energy efficiency of SMEs in the engineering sector.
- Promote the take-up of investment in new low-carbon production methods
- Raise awareness among enterprises of the new technologies available
- Identify opportunities arising from digitalisation.
Funded by Satakunta Federation (ERDF)
Duration: 1.3.2020 - 31.6.2022
More information on the project website.
More information: Mirka Leino,
TEKOS technology enhancing inclusion - network for effectiveness
In the project coordinated by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, inclusion is promoted using smart clothing and smart furniture technology. In order to achieve this goal, a multi-professional and continuously developing network will be created with the University of Tampere, the multidisciplinary Sote Academy of the University of Turku, and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences through education and research. The network brings together researchers, teachers, students and professionals in technology, occupational and speech therapy and special pedagogy.
More information on the project website.
More information: Ollipekka Kivin,
Research components/objectives:
- Satakunta has a nationally significant innovation platform for the hospital of the future, the smartest in Finland, and an operating model for the participatory development of health technology.
- The innovation platform has become a permanent form of cooperation, which is maintained by SAMK and Satas Hospital in collaboration with each other, and which helps to achieve cost-effective solutions.
- The hospital's operations have been renewed and the effectiveness of care has been improved from the perspective of citizens' well-being.
- Knowledge transfer between the actors of the innovation platform (joint research community) improves the insight of health professionals, academic experts and companies on the procurement and deployment of new technologies
Funded by Satakunta Federation (ERDF)
Duration 1.1.2019 - 30.12.2022.
More information about the project on the RoboAI website (
For further information, please contact Mervi Vähätalo, Anu Holm,
Tuottavuus keskiössä - Focus on productivity
The main objective of the project is to increase the skills of the personnel of the target companies and thereby improve the productivity of the participating companies as well as other companies in the region.
The objectives of the project are:
- To respond to the changing training and skills needs of enterprises in the current market situation through compact training courses.
- Bring new skills to enterprises through flexible training based on digital platforms.
- Enable trainees to discover and learn by experimenting, for example, with robots in the RoboAI shared-use laboratory.
- Provide positive experiences with flexible automation solutions, e.g. collaborative robotics, and thus stimulate investment in robotics
The project will be based on expert presentations around different themes, Learning by Experimentation lab experimentation days and training in productivity-enhancing technologies tailored to companies.
For more information, please contact Toni Seessalo,
UTULaser – Vehicle battery identification and automation of the recycling process
In the near future, the electrification of the automotive industry will produce huge quantities of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries will be manufactured with several different chemistries that cannot be recycled by the same methods. The analysis of batteries and the identification of battery chemistries will play an important role in the recycling process.
The project will pilot how laser spectroscopy combined with artificial intelligence can identify different battery chemistries quickly and accurately. The speed, safety and accuracy of recycling will be improved, resulting in lower unit costs.
Funded by: The Ulla Tuominen Foundation
Duration 1.1.2022–31.12.2023
For more information: Pekka Suominen,