Life Technologies – Digital Health Project
ma 10.2.2020 klo 09.00 - 14.00
SAMK-kampus Pori
Interested in developing your skills in team working, company projects and Digital Health?
Life Technologies (4cr for Bachelor students) and Enabling Life Technologies (5cr, for Master students) aims in developing skills in multidisciplinary team work, project work as well as in increasing understanding of digital health context. Students will understand the role of technology in well-being field and gain skills in multidisciplinary collaboration. The course is carried out in collaboration with Tampere University, working life partners and SAMK research projects. Most essential part of the course is a project carried out by student groups. The course is implemented regarding future challenges and possibilities, working life cases, and activating teaching approach and blended learning. The course contents are processed by means of case studies, service design principles and ideating, visualisation, productisation and commercial aspects, too. Students from different study programs and fields of practices are welcome to participate. Multidisciplinarity is seen as an innovation resource in this course.
All the lectures may be attended online via Webex HILL system: and they will be available as recordings afterwads. Team work is the most essential part of the course. The teams may decide when and how they meet. However, it is highly encouraged to attend the lectures onsite, especially opening and closing seminar!
Opening seminar: 10th Feb, 9 AM -2 PM, Company presentations and development project overview – Forming project teams.
Sign up in Loki:
Bachelor students: Life technologies
Master students: Enabling life technologies