Hack y/our future Innovation Challenge
to 18.3.2021 klo 08.00 - 19.00
Tapahtumapaikka: online
Hack y/our future Innovation Challenge
March 18th, 2021
8 AM - 7 PM
When? Where? Why?
The day is all about innovating with mentors and coaches and getting to know the innovative companies for Robotics and wellbeing technology! Innovate with mentors and coaches and you might even end up finding an internship position, next project or even your dream job. And it is not just one day - you can get feedback for your ideas and develop it even further with Crazy Town experts! Stay tuned for the companies and different tracks. Register now - you can have a tram of your own or we will find the perfect match based on your prior studies and skills.
The event is organised together by Samk, Talent Boost Satakunta, Satakunta Digihealth, CANEMURE project, Crazy Town and Pori ES. Some of the event’s parts are funded by ERDF, ESR or EU Life funding programmes by Satakuntaliitto, ELY-center or Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
For more info: https://www.pories.fi/hack-your-future-2021
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtk_Pg6MpitWqLk498P4Qnri0b5lLO22PkVMi07iyVcxmS5A/viewform
Santeri Koivisto, santeri.koivisto@samk.fi / SAMK
Mari Ahvenjärvi, mari.ahvenjarvi@sataedu.fi / Sataedu
Tiina Kallio, tiina.kallio@winnova.fi / WinNova
Niina Engblom, niina.engblom@winnova.fi /WinNova
Pauliina Harrivaara, pauliina.harrivaara@prizz.fi (yritykset ja haasteiden antajat)