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Technological solutions that support the independent living and employment of people with intellectual disabilities.

20.8.2024Minna Kangasniemi ja Lotta HakkarainenRoboAI Health

In Finland, there are approximately 30,000 working-age people with intellectual disabilities, but only a small portion, around 500–600 individuals, are employed in paid jobs. However, many people with intellectual disabilities could work in regular paid employment if given the opportunity. There are thousands of individuals with intellectual disabilities in Finland who have both the education and the desire to work. It is estimated that up to 3,000 people could be employed in paid jobs if they were provided with sufficient support and guidance.

Kehitysvammainen mies ojentaa kahvilatuotteita tiskin takaa asiakkaalle.

Technology to Support Daily Life and Work

At the core of the TOTA project is designing technology according to users' needs and integrating it into everyday life. The project aims to develop technological solutions and methods to embed them into the daily lives of people with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the technology is to support their inclusion, functional capacity, work ability, and digital skills. At the same time, the project seeks to strengthen the expertise of professionals working with them.

Previous projects have already developed various solutions to support the daily lives of people with intellectual disabilities. For example, smart mirrors can help remind users of daily events, and smart furniture like tables and chairs can provide instructions for everyday situations. Such solutions can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety associated with daily life for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

New Forms of Interaction and Support through Technology

The TOTA project is also developing new ways to support interaction. For example, interfaces integrated into clothing can allow users to express the need for assistance simply by touching the garment. Clothing-related technology can also provide instructions for various situations, such as in restrooms or at workstations.

During the project, these and other wearable and environment-integrated technologies will be tested in real-life settings with people who have intellectual disabilities. The goal is for these technological solutions to help individuals manage their daily lives and work, supporting their independent role in utilizing digital aids in their own lives.

Workshops for Co-creation and Development

In fall 2024, workshops will be held in Tampere, Pori, and online to showcase and explore the possibilities offered by technology. In these workshops, individuals with intellectual disabilities, professionals, and employers will have the opportunity to discuss needs and develop new solutions together.

A key focus of the TOTA project is to enhance multidisciplinary network collaboration and expertise through technology pilots. To promote the implementation of technology, the project aims to create concrete models and services that leverage technology.

If you are interested in participating in the TOTA project, please contact Tanja Vihriälä at tanja.vihriala@tuni.fi or Taina Jyräkoski at taina.jyrakoski@samk.fi.

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